
1916 – Clash of Titans

Jim Graham provides an overview of this momentous year during the Great War, still a war of contrasts but one which began to consume more and more men and resources of the nations who fought it.

The Pendragaon of Logres

Never one to rest on his laurels, Dan Mersey presents an exclusive, self-contained Arthurian-era set campaign for his new Dragon Rampant rules.

Food for Fort, Verdun 1916

James Morris tells us how a chance remark led him to undertake a thought-provoking journey to the area where so many French and German soldiers lost their lives.

Project Showcase:  I only need one

Steve Dake explores a problem familiar to many of us – the project that never truly ends.

Making a game of it: The Battle of Jutland

A straightforward, wargamer’s guide to the key naval battle for those interested in naval actions.

Designer’s Notes: Honours of War

The author of the new Seven Years War era rule set from Osprey Games talks about what inspired his creative process.

End of the Beginning: Battle of Romani

As the war in Europe ground on, the fighting in the Middle East was just as vicious. Jim Graham looks at this crucial battle between a mix of warriors.

Building Frostgrave

How does one go about creating a slice of a ruined fantasy city? By investing in a number of tools and slicing up a lot of polystyrene in interesting ways!

Slaughter on the Somme

Although the Somme has come to epitomize many of the horrors of trench warfare, Jim Graham provides some ideas for turning aspects of the battle into a wargame.

Rules Showcase: Team Yankee

We get the chance to try out these excellent new rules from the Flames Of War stable. This time, it’s World War Three and everything is different…

 Aces High!

High above the mud and blood of the battlefield, an equally bloody struggle for control of the air continued to change in response to new tactics and technology.

 Viking Jarl

Author Griff Hoskar sees his literary creations brought to life on the tabletop at Ron Ringrose’s wargaming mecca

How to… Create Craters

Master model maker Paul Davies presents some ideas on approaching the creation of the types of terrain found on the Western Front.

Figure Spotlight: First Nation fighting in the American Woods

The new Flint and Feather range from Pulp Figures have inspired Neil Smith to undertake some research on ways they can be used on the tabletop.

Hellfighters & Devildogs

The Battlefront team presents information on how to use the 369th Infantry Regiment and the US Marines using the Great War Miniatures Game.

Fighting talk: Homeopathic wargaming

Pete Brown looks at some ways to make it easier to game aspects of large historical battles rather than busting a gut (and a bank balance)