
Toy Soldiers of Fortune

In our lead article for this month’s theme, Pete Brown charts the growth of mercenary units and provides some gaming advice.


Up country

Mike Haught presents a guide to the Brown Water Navy of the Vietnam War – the focus of the latest releases for Flames Of War.


I’m a Hoplite! Get me out of here!

Neil Smith provides some background and gaming advice for the trials and tribulations of these mercenaries of the Ancient world.


The Limpo River Campaign 2     

Peter Howarth’s second part of last issue’s article on this ‘twisted history’ World War One campaign set in East Africa, which includes some new rules for Warhammer Great War.


Take me to the action

Neil Smith takes delivery of a plastic boxed set from Perry Miniatures and examines the opportunities for gaming with Early Renaissance mercenaries it presents.


No Senator’s Son

Andrew and Mike Haught present a guide to the creation of Brown Water Navy forces for use with the latest Intelligence Handbook for Flames Of War: Tour Of Duty.


“Sign here!”

Dan Mersey, author of Osprey Publishing’s Lion Rampant rules, provides a guide to Italian Condotta armies within both a historical and gaming context, complete with rules for integrating these mercenaries into your Retinues.


How to… Build a Lychgate and walls

Paul Davies takes us on another step-by-step guide on creating walls and a lychgate for last issue’s church.


Painting Landsknechts

A guide to the ultimate mercenaries of the Renaissance Era, aimed at helping the gamer create suitably painted tabletop forces.


Designer’s Notes: Fighting Sail

Games designer Ryan Miller takes us through the growth of his exciting new fleet action naval rules as published by Osprey.


The Wild Geese

Modern mercenary action based on the classic 1970’s war movie.


The Zulu Civil War

In a follow up on last issue’s theme, Dave Tuck presents some scenarios for the Zulu Civil War, complete with some (bonus!) mercenary action.


Railway Flak

Wayne Turner looks at the use of Luftwaffe railway guns during the latter part of World War Two.


Project Showcase: A ‘Proper’ Napoleonic Saxon Army

A classic wargamer’s tale wherein one driven man, a friendly sculptor and some great painters work to create the Parade Ground splendor of an army.


Rules Showcase: Valhalla

Our latest set of rules under the spotlight is themed around tabletop Dark Age skirmishes, but provides a unique way to create a Warband that could see you spending some useful time on a computer.


Buenos Aires 1806 – 1807

A little known campaign from the Napoleonic Wars, David Greentree presents a detailed account of events in South America.


Fighting Talk: How do you like your History Served?

Barry Hilton is back, looking at how we connect to history and why certain historic works can be more inspiring than others.