
Sound the Retreat!

In our lead article for this month’s theme, Neil Smith and Jim Graham discuss the finer points of gaming a retreat and provide some examples that would make great tabletop battles.

Ori Orr’s Six Day War

Phil Yates provides an account of Captain Ori Orr’s Palsar Seven, an Israeli jeep-borne raiding force during the Arab-Israeli Six-Day War in 1967.

A Desperate Struggle in the Swiss Alps

In this article, Tom Garnett gives us an account of a retreat through the Swiss Alps by the Russian General Suvorov during the early Napoleonic Wars.

Oriskany 1777: slaughter in the Woods

Nick Buxey and the Like A Stonewall Wargames Group present an insight into arguably the bloodiest day of the American War of Independence, a battle they turned into their 2014 show game.

Retreat from Russia

The classic retreat for the Napoleonic period, Bernhard Hennen, Stefan Konigs and the Total Historical Simulation gaming group provide an overview and a scenario to game the action at Uvarovo near Krasnoi in 1812.

Rules Showcase: Aggro!

We had a visit from the rules writer Sam Catterall, and Ainsty Castings, purveyors and fans of new game Aggro! So, our latest rules showcase focuses upon a slightly exaggerated world of 1970’s football ‘supporters’ and their clashes both on and off the terraces.

 The Evacuation of Nowluck

Having been invited to join the Essex Gamesters for their latest Mega Game, WI editor Dan Faulconbridge took part in this fictional battle set during the Indian Mutiny in 1857. He presents his report in all its finery!

Israeli Super Jeeps

Following up on Phil Yates’ article on page 20, Greg Lockton provides a sample force and a series of suggestions on how to use a Long Range Patrol Company based upon the Fate Of A Nation Intelligence Handbook.

Retreat through Luzon

Steve Dake takes us to the early days of the War in the Pacific with an overview and scenario for the Imperial Japanese invasion of the Philippines in 1941/42.

Modelling tips and Trick: Playing with Fire

In his latest in the series, Nick Buxey discusses how to create the effects of fi re and explosions on the tabletop.

Escape from Anyburg

Barry Hilton presents a multi-player skirmish scenario that starts off being within a set era, but can easily morph into a game for any period within Anyburg!

Project Showcase

In the first in a series of articles, Anders Johansson shares with us the growth of his latest gaming project, from inception to the present day and beyond.

 Great Warriors: Rimingtons Guides (The Tigers)

Our Great Warriors series returns, with a look at this volunteer unit from the Anglo- Boer War of 1899-1902. It comes complete with a painting guide, fi gure availability and wargaming potential sections.

Blam! 2014

A show report of a different character this month, following the efforts of Lead Adventure Forum members to put together a meeting of like minds in a Surbiton, UK pub.

Fighting Talk: the Tournament Gentleman’s Guide

Alessio Cavatore confesses his mistakes of the past and then presents some suggestions for making aspects of the tournament scene just, well, a little bit nicer.