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First apologies that this issue of WW appears one month late. As I explained in last month’s Wargames Illustrated this was due to visits to overseas conventions. Coming back to a two-week high pile of mail I decided not to attempt two magazines in two weeks.

This issue of WW could be described as an Interim Austerity Edition: we have only 12 pages of colour, not 20! (I’m not being over apologetic about this, Stuart Asquith’s Practical Wargamer boasts only ten pages of colour every quarter – and I always buy it!) This too is a knock-on effect of my journeyings. As most of you know I – for necessary reasons of economy! – take virtually all the photographs in the mag; two weeks away meant no photo sessions.

The most forcible impression I picked from Baltimore & Paris is that the wargames hobby, within its narrower limits of historical miniatures gaming, is so small that we should endeavour to foster as many international contacts and as much international co-operation as possible. Most British wargamers realise how small the hobby in Britain is – and yet to historical wargamers in France the British scene seems huge! All the wargamers in the world together add up to a small Hobby, but with perhaps more hope for growth than could be inspired by individual countries in Britain.

For a while now I’ve been considering converting WW from a quarterly magazine to a slightly slimmer, cheaper bi-monthly. I’d certainly now like to give it a more international flavour.


Napoleon for Beginners

The Ballad of Dam Bass: A Western Gunfight Campaign

A Sudan Campaign, Part IV

Seven Samurai

West of Jellalabad: an Afghan Village

Dust-off: Vietnam Casevac Scenario & Rules

“The Snuffs:” the Natal Mounted Police & the War of 1879

A Defeated Race: a Roman Conquest of Germania Campaign

The Other Wild West: the Brazilian Frontier from the 16th to the 20th Century