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Don’t panic! The fact that Wargames World 2 has appeared only two months after the first issue does not mean we’re bi-monthly. From now on we’ll be appearing at three monthly intervals. (A case of ‘crying quarter in more ways than one!)

Many thanks to all of you who purchased the first issue. It’s not ‘off sale’ yet, but the distributor’s estimate of sales after the first two weeks is 50% higher than we’d predicted. In America WWI has apparently been dubbed ‘The Playboy of Wargaming’ – no explanation was offered by our trans-Atlantic interlocutor, but I suppose it refers to the lavish colour photographs! (‘The Staff Photographer’ enjoyed taking them – but not that much!)

Perhaps this issue isn’t quite as lavish, but there are still some interesting articles to stimulate the imagination, and several rule sets to try out. We re-introduce a few cartoons – a feature squeezed out of our monthly magazines your chances of getting published have obviously increased!

*The cartoons in this issue are by ‘Seamus’ and Ian Weekley of ‘Battlements’.


The Texas Navy in the War of independence 1835-1843

A Campaign with a View

The Debacle at Villers-Bocage


A Sudan Campaign – Part II

St. Cast

Hyde Park

Lawrence of Arabia

Picquets and Pathans

1002nd Arabian Night Competition

Whirlwind from the North

Skirmishing the Alamo

Quick Pre-gunpowder Skirmish Rules