Wi444, December 2024


This issue comes with a free Warlord Games Bolt Action Winter Fallschirmjäger frame.

‘Tis the season to be jolly, and, these days, that seems to mean everything yuletide-related needs to be given a covering of snow and ice. So, in the spirit of seasonal solidarity, we felt we should give Wi a smattering of winter weather this month, with a Winter War theme. What better way to do that than by providing you with five Winter War articles and a frame of Bolt Action Winter Fallschirmjäger?

Fresh (or probably fatigued) from the battlefields of the Ardennes, your squad of six German paratroopers are currently only available as a Platoon Box Set from Warlord Games, so this freebie frame provides you with a unique opportunity to either ‘try before you buy’ or add some reinforcements to your platoon.

Arm yourself with everything you need to know about what’s on your free sprue by taking a look at the information provided by Warlord Games below and find more at warlord-community.warlordgames.com

45 in stock