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Wi441, September 2024

Original price was: £5.99.Current price is: £1.99.

This issue comes with a free Warlord Games French Napoleonic Line Infantry (1812 -1815) frame.

Our 2023 Revisited magazine theme proved to be so popular we have decided to revisit it again with this month’s issue! The premise of Revisited is that: we ask several of our regular contributors to return to subjects or projects they have covered in Wargames Illustrated in the past and supply us with a further, or related, article. We have four theme articles for you in this issue, which our contributors revisit: light troops in the Napoleonic Wars, making cotton flags, gangsters, and (broadening the remit slightly) a vintage Parker Brothers ‘wargame’. I’m sure you will enjoy all our Revisited theme articles, along with our non-theme Bolt Action: Third Edition, Ruckus, and Vietnam content.

Bagged with this issue of the magazine*, you will also find your third (of four) Freebie Frames of the year. This Warlord Games Napoleonic Late French Line Infantry (1812 – 1815) sprue is available to buy for £9.50/$15, but it’s all yours for zip, and who doesn’t like to have a few (additional?) Napoleonic French in their collection?

If you are looking for ideas of what to do with your newly acquired minis, turn to page 18 to see what Wi painter Matt came up with, when we handed him the frame.

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