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Wi413, May 2022
Well, it finally got us! After holding out for over two years WiHQ was finally awash with the Coronavirus in March, with five out of six office staff scumming to various levels of infection. Production of this venerable organ, and all associated online content, was seriously hampered by that pesky spiky virus as we coughed, sniffled, and ached our way into seclusion at various bolt holes away from polite society. But, with the spirit of the Blitz, ‘Keep Calm and Carry On’, and all that we managed to put together another belter of a magazine for you. It’s not exactly the one we had planned admittedly; the finale of our Silver Bayonet Society campaign fell victim to the virus, and our Combined Operations theme has been somewhat curtailed by our inability to gather and game, but never fear because into the breach come several articles that are more than a match for those that didn’t make it in (but will appear next month), and our theme still has enough legs to entertain you with wargaming content, beginning on page 30 with an examination of what Combined Operations is, and how we can then bring it to bear in our games.
So, coughing, spluttering, and cursing aside, we’re sure we’ve pulled together another treat of illustrated wargames for you again this month, with plenty of painting (see the Wi Hammerhead Painting Comp, page 36) and modelling (see Transforming Ready Made Dungeons, page 54) on the side.
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