Wi404, August 2021
Little did we know, when we choose Turning Points as our theme for this issue, that Wargames Illustrated would be facing a turning point of its own. At the end of May 2021, just as we went to print with the July issue of the magazine, we lost our founding father Duncan Macfarlane, the man who conceived of and published Wargames Illustrated for the first time back in August 1987.
The magazine has gone through many changes over the following decades, but Duncan has stayed involved throughout. As the main proof reader for the mag over the last few years, I saw him on an almost daily basis; he remained as passionate about the hobby he helped “save” right until his sudden but peaceful passing.
You can read personal reflections on my old friend in my article on page 6.
When Duncan began Wi1, with Off to fight the Zulus, I wonder if he’d ever have guessed things would still be going 34 years (and 6,528 articles) later. He’d certainly have had a sparkle in his eye and something very intelligent to say about it; probably partly in Latin, French, or elvish!
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