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Wi399, March 2021

Original price was: £5.99.Current price is: £0.50.

A smorgasbord of delights! Why would you pick a theme for the magazine when you can include 15 different articles drawn from the whole of human history and across the whole broad wargaming spectrum? Well, because it gives direction to the magazine, focus for our contributors, and a point of reference to our readers … Tish, pish and nonsense, a magazine without a theme is pure, unadulterated and without distraction, especially when it is not cheapened by attaching a tawdry free gift!

Despite the pros and cons of the above points the practicality of the issue is that themes are tough to bring together and free gifts are an added luxury which during lockdown, sometimes have to give way. Whilst this month’s theme was due to be ‘Vive La France’ – a focus on the French at War – getting out to photograph “that fantastic collection of World War One French” proved to be impossible when the lockdown message is “Stay at home. Stay Local”. But anyway you know all that, I’ve whined about such things before, so let’s get on with the show and into this month’s smorgasbord, which will take you from Ancient campaigning to a Billion Suns, via medieval heraldry, Native Americans in wooden armour, fancy uniforms at First Bull Run, and lots more beside.

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