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Wi398, February 2021


This issue comes packed with a free frame of Warlord Games Greek hoplites.

I sincerely hope that your monthly copy of Wargames Illustrated magazine whisks you away from the stresses and strains of a Coronavirus ravaged world and into your miniature ‘happy place’ for some quality immersion, inspiration and escapism.

So, it is with great pleasure that I invite you to sample the delights of a multitude of wargaming periods and systems via this month’s ‘Holy War’ theme as well our other nontheme articles and features, which take you from the Crusades to World War Two, via the battlefields of the American Civil War and several other places in between.

Back in the present world, like all small businesses around the globe, Wi continues to be affected by the knock on effects of the pandemic. One of those being the difficulty in planning ahead – something that has become a given in 2020-21. For Wargames illustrated this means planning the next issue (and the one after that) is proving to be a big challenge.

The above pre-amble is building up to a pre-emptive apology for when, over the next few months, things don’t quite turn out the way they are supposed to e.g. cover mounts not appearing when planned, postal disruption causing subs to arrive late, themes not being ‘as advertised’ etc. The precise reasons for these things will be myriad, but all come back to Covid-19 conundrums.

Please bear with us, we guarantee the whole team, including our merry band of contributors, are constantly striving to deliver the best content and service regardless of what form it takes.

Anyways, without further ado and excuses, please dive into and enjoy this month’s content along with your free plastic Greek hoplites – ideal for the new version of Warlord Games’ SPQR but super suitable for any Classical painting and playing action.

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