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Great Darcy of the Pale, 1566 (GiM 73)


William Darcy of Platten was reputedly the tallest man in Ireland. He carried the Pretender Lambert Simnel on his shoulders to his ‘coronation’ in Dublin in 1487. Great Darcy continued to serve Gerald Fitzgerald, 8th Earl of Kildare, notably at the battle of Knockdoe in 1503 where he fought in single combat with MacSwiney, chief of the Clanrickard Gallowglass.

Our Great Darcy figure has been inspired by Never Mind the Billhooks Deluxe: Hibernia, the section/theatre of rules which covers warfare in late medieval Ireland.

Darcy is ideal as a leader for Never Mind the Billhooks Hibernia.

68 in stock (can be backordered)

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