Wi395, November 2020


If you are holding a Wi direct subscriber or mail/web order copy of this month’s Wargames Illustrated then you have something exclusive in your hands – a twin-cover version of Wi395, featuring both US Marine landing and Japanese Imperial Army defending artwork, by Neil Roberts. Pretty cool, huh?

If you have a shop-bought copy of the magazine, you will be looking at a ‘classic’ cover and will be wondering what you are missing out on. Check out the pic below to see.

Our twin-cover celebrates this month’s theme of ‘Hit the Beach’ which coincides with the release of two World War Two supplements focused on the war in the Pacific (from Bolt Action and Battlegroup) as well as this month’s freebie of a Bolt Action US Marine frame.

Although World War Two in the Pacific gets generous coverage in this magazine (including a Frame Focus article in which we show you something innovative you can do with your freebie figures) we also feature beach-hitting action from less obvious periods: Dark Ages, Horse and Musket and Napoleonic.

It’s perhaps also worth pointing out that as various Covid related lockdowns continue to ebb and flow around the globe we continue to serve you up more than your usual share of model making articles, in an effort to keep you hobby focused when meeting up across the tabletop with your regular gaming opponents may not be possible.

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