We’re back from Salute and the Wi team is busy putting together our post-show articles and videos, which will cover the impressive gaming tables and beautiful painting competition winners. Pre- and post-Salute is always a busy time for us and Joe, the trooper that he is, got down to video editing as soon as he got home. He’s brought together over an hour of interviews and footage of splendid tabletops to share in the coming weeks on our YouTube channel. The first video is already up for your delectation so make sure to check that out! Grabbing goodies While we wandered the huge ExCel hall, which was far more packed with punters than usual, we shouldered through the crowds to snag assorted new releases from traders. We’ll be reviewing those and putting them online over the next couple of weeks so keep an eye on WiPrime to see what we think of the new goodies! We also had an unexpected guest on our stand in the dapper form of Marco Capparoni, who has been working on some new Wi covers. He poses here with the finished artwork for our upcoming Vietnam issue! A Warlord double whammy In the excitement of the day many folks find it tough to keep their upcoming new releases to themselves and, while some of that stuff is top secret (and not to be shared just yet, even in this Insider Insight) there are a few exciting big releases that I can talk about. Not content with the official reveal of Epic Hail Caesar, Warlord Games were also whispering about Bolt Action Third Edition, which was confirmed soon after the show. We aren’t quite sure what to expect from the new Bolt Action yet but we’re already first in the queue to get a PDF rulebook for review. We’ll ship that to our BA experts in the field to feedback on what’s new and exciting. As for the new Epic adventures into Ancients, we’ve known about those for a while now, as we’ll have the truly splendid frames as a freebie with an upcoming issue this year. These new frames are far and away the finest so far in the Epic line, with crisper detailing, less blocky filled spaces (such as between reigns and horses), deeper ranks on figures like the Republican Romans, and some incredible showpiece figures with impressive war elephants. We’re extremely excited about this release and we’ll have all kinds of coverage in future issues. Dan’s manhandled rules author Rick Priestley into giving us his expert run-through of how the game plays in Epic scale, Matt Parkes is already at work on a diorama with the plastics, and we have a whole issue