Mantic Games continue to add to their range of miniatures designed for use with their excellent skirmish game, Vanguard. The game allows players using the Kings of War rules system to play out those ‘special missions’ where hundreds of figures are not required, Consequently, the miniatures are extremely characterful and often, like these sets, just good fun.
The first set of figures we have is the Mawpup Launcher. This is akin to a mortar, but actually fires vicious Mawbeast offspring, each one a potential whirlwind of destruction probably more dangerous than an exploding shell. The level of detail on weapon and figures is excellent, and a favourite is the pup chewing on a tasty severed arm!
[magic360 id=”Goblin_Banggit”]
The next figure is entitled ‘Goblin Banggit’ and is also extremely chracterful. This barely armoured goblin carries a very large grenade, which cries out for the word ‘bomb’ to be painted across it. With a backpack full of rockets, this looks like a determined and dangerous chap who is looking to cause some devastation.
Lastly, we have a Winggit, a goblin flyer that, from the point of aerodynamics, probably shouldn’t fly! A nice touch here is the obvious wood grain and the rope and sail texture on the wings. Designed for recon and throwing firebombs, this is fantastic resin kit, with some real use of innovative styling.
[magic360 id=”Winggit”]
Mantic Games are fast becoming masters of getting the best from their ‘brand’ of resin, and it shows. They also strive to put the fun back into fantasy gaming, whilst providing plenty of options for players at an affordable price.
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