The Duke of Marlborough!
We begin our theme content with an outline of England’s last great General.
Hit the Beaches!
The Flames Of War team presents a look at the new format and focus behind their foray into the hard fought Pacific War.
Young Churchill
Nick Eyre takes us back to a time when the future Duke of Marlborough was a dashing young officer who led from the front on the battlefield.
Disaster at Kut
Paul Leach takes us to Mesopotamia, 1916 and provides both background and scenario for a crucial WWI battle.
Getting to grips with Marlborough…on Campaign
Jim Graham attempts to replicate some of the problems faced by Marlborough during his military career for the tabletop general seeking the full experience.
White Line Fever
Harking back to our post-apocalyptic themed issue (WI332), Dave Taylor looks at the options available for those looking to take to the highways of the near future.
Kill the King!
Barry Hilton recounts a tale of dark deeds in an age of Enlightenment.
Guardian Angel
In the first of a series of articles, we present an official scenario for Terminator Genysis: The Miniatures Game based upon events from the movie. In this 1984, there are two T-800 Model 101’s…
Getting to Grips with Marlborough… In Battle
How can you ‘become’ Marlborough when taking his role during wargames?
They Came from the Sea
The Flames Of War team return to examine the role of Amphibious Tanks during the Pacific War
Figure Spotlight: The Marlburian Era
A look at the figures which are available for the discerning wargamer across a range of sizes and budgets.
Frostgrave Skeleton Archers
Frostgrave author Joseph McCullough provides us with some exclusive new content which introduces Skeleton Archers into the game.
Beware of Thuggees
A look at a gang, active during the 19th Century, infamous for their murderous ways and the target for many a punitive expedition by British Imperial forces.
Inspired by WI339’s Food for Fort article, we return to Verdun for more WWI action.
How to: Back of Beyond
Paul Davies shows us how to create buildings for the Back of Beyond.
Designer’s notes: En Garde!
The author’s eye view on Osprey’s new swashbuckling skirmish wargames rules.
Rules Showcase: Oscar, Sierra, Charlie
Evil Bear Wargames show us their new skirmish level Near Modern game.
Club Focus: Peterborough Wargames Club
In his second outing, WI Sub-Editor Wayne once again sets off to check out which games matter to another set of hobbyists.